addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.components.models.TagCloudLinkInternal
addTag(TagCloudLink) - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.components.models.DefaultTagCloudModel
addTag(TagCloudLink) - Method in interface de.ls10.jsf.components.models.TagCloudModel
Add the given tag/link to the model.


compareTo(TagCloudLink) - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.components.models.TagCloudLink
Implementation of the @link Comparable interface.
COMPONENT_FAMILY - Static variable in class de.ls10.jsf.components.UITagCloud


de.ls10.jsf.components - package de.ls10.jsf.components
de.ls10.jsf.components.models - package de.ls10.jsf.components.models
de.ls10.jsf.renderer - package de.ls10.jsf.renderer
de.ls10.jsf.tags - package de.ls10.jsf.tags
DefaultTagCloudModel - Class in de.ls10.jsf.components.models
A default abstract implementation of TagCloudModel.
DefaultTagCloudModel() - Constructor for class de.ls10.jsf.components.models.DefaultTagCloudModel


enabled - Variable in class de.ls10.jsf.components.models.TagCloudLink
encodeBegin(FacesContext, UIComponent) - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.renderer.HtmlTagCloudRenderer
Starts the encoding of the tagcloud component.
encodeChildren(FacesContext, UIComponent) - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.renderer.HtmlTagCloudRenderer
This method is "verantwortlich" for the rendering of the tags/links in the tagcloud component.
encodeEnd(FacesContext, UIComponent) - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.renderer.HtmlTagCloudRenderer
Simply closes the tags that was opened by encodeBegin.


getAction() - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.components.models.TagCloudLinkInternal
getActionListeners() - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.components.models.TagCloudLinkInternal
getCentered() - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.tags.UITagCloudTag
getComponentType() - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.tags.UITagCloudTag
getFamily() - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.components.UITagCloud
Retrieves the component family of this component.
getModel() - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.components.UITagCloud
getModel() - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.tags.UITagCloudTag
getRendererType() - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.tags.UITagCloudTag
getRendersChildren() - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.renderer.HtmlTagCloudRenderer
This method constantly true as this component shouldn't have children defined in the JSF page but must render child components acording to the given model.
getSeperatorWidth() - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.components.HtmlTagCloud
getSeperatorWidth() - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.tags.UITagCloudTag
getStlye() - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.tags.UITagCloudTag
getStlyeClass() - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.tags.UITagCloudTag
getStyle() - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.components.HtmlTagCloud
getStyleClass() - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.components.HtmlTagCloud
getTagClasses() - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.components.HtmlTagCloud
getTagClasses() - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.tags.UITagCloudTag
getTags() - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.components.models.DefaultTagCloudModel
getTags() - Method in interface de.ls10.jsf.components.models.TagCloudModel
Get the list of all tags/links of the model.
getTargetFrame() - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.components.models.TagCloudLinkExternal
getTargetURL() - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.components.models.TagCloudLinkExternal
getTitle() - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.components.HtmlTagCloud
getTitle() - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.tags.UITagCloudTag
getTitleClass() - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.components.HtmlTagCloud
getTitleClass() - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.tags.UITagCloudTag
getTitleStyle() - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.components.HtmlTagCloud
getTitleStyle() - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.tags.UITagCloudTag
getValue() - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.components.models.TagCloudLink
getWeight() - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.components.models.TagCloudLink


HtmlTagCloud - Class in de.ls10.jsf.components
Render specific subclass for the component UITagCloud.
HtmlTagCloud() - Constructor for class de.ls10.jsf.components.HtmlTagCloud
HtmlTagCloudRenderer - Class in de.ls10.jsf.renderer
HTML specific renderer for the TagCloud component.
HtmlTagCloudRenderer() - Constructor for class de.ls10.jsf.renderer.HtmlTagCloudRenderer


isCentered() - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.components.HtmlTagCloud
isEnabled() - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.components.models.TagCloudLink


release() - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.tags.UITagCloudTag
removeActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.components.models.TagCloudLinkInternal
removeAllTags() - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.components.models.DefaultTagCloudModel
removeAllTags() - Method in interface de.ls10.jsf.components.models.TagCloudModel
Remove all tags/links from the model.
removeTag(TagCloudLink) - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.components.models.DefaultTagCloudModel
removeTag(TagCloudLink) - Method in interface de.ls10.jsf.components.models.TagCloudModel
Remove the given tag/link from the model.
RENDERER_TYPE - Static variable in class de.ls10.jsf.components.UITagCloud
restoreState(FacesContext, Object) - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.components.HtmlTagCloud
restoreState(FacesContext, Object) - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.components.UITagCloud


saveState(FacesContext) - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.components.HtmlTagCloud
saveState(FacesContext) - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.components.UITagCloud
SELECTED_TAG_PARAM_NAME - Static variable in class de.ls10.jsf.renderer.HtmlTagCloudRenderer
In this constant the context parameter name is specified that is used to inform an action listener about the pressed tag/link.
setAction(String) - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.components.models.TagCloudLinkInternal
setCentered(boolean) - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.components.HtmlTagCloud
Should the content of the tag cloud be centered?
setCentered(ValueExpression) - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.tags.UITagCloudTag
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.components.models.TagCloudLink
Should the link be clickable?
setModel(TagCloudModel) - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.components.UITagCloud
Sets the model for the tagcloud.
setModel(ValueExpression) - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.tags.UITagCloudTag
setProperties(UIComponent) - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.tags.UITagCloudTag
setSeperatorWidth(String) - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.components.HtmlTagCloud
Width of the seperator between each tag/link in teh tagcloud.
setSeperatorWidth(ValueExpression) - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.tags.UITagCloudTag
setStyle(String) - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.components.HtmlTagCloud
CSS style of the surrounding div tag.
setStyle(ValueExpression) - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.tags.UITagCloudTag
setStyleClass(String) - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.components.HtmlTagCloud
CSS style class of the surrounding div tag.
setStyleClass(ValueExpression) - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.tags.UITagCloudTag
setTagClasses(String) - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.components.HtmlTagCloud
Comma seperated list of CSS styles that should be applied to the tags/links.
setTagClasses(ValueExpression) - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.tags.UITagCloudTag
setTargetFrame(String) - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.components.models.TagCloudLinkExternal
Sets the target frame for this Link (this is an HTML specific attribute, so only the HTML renderer will make use of this)
setTargetURL(URL) - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.components.models.TagCloudLinkExternal
Sets the actual link target of this link.
setTitle(String) - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.components.HtmlTagCloud
Title that should be displayed above the tagcloud.
setTitle(ValueExpression) - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.tags.UITagCloudTag
setTitleClass(String) - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.components.HtmlTagCloud
CSS styleClass that should be used for the formatting of the title.
setTitleClass(ValueExpression) - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.tags.UITagCloudTag
setTitleStyle(String) - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.components.HtmlTagCloud
CSS style that should be used for the formatting of the title.
setTitleStyle(ValueExpression) - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.tags.UITagCloudTag
setValue(String) - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.components.models.TagCloudLink
The text that should be displayed for this link in the tagcloud.
setWeight(TagCloudLinkImportance) - Method in class de.ls10.jsf.components.models.TagCloudLink


TagCloudLink - Class in de.ls10.jsf.components.models
TagCloudLink() - Constructor for class de.ls10.jsf.components.models.TagCloudLink
TagCloudLinkExternal - Class in de.ls10.jsf.components.models
This class models an external JSF link.
TagCloudLinkExternal() - Constructor for class de.ls10.jsf.components.models.TagCloudLinkExternal
TagCloudLinkImportance - Enum in de.ls10.jsf.components.models
TagCloudLinkInternal - Class in de.ls10.jsf.components.models
This class models an internal JSF link.
TagCloudLinkInternal() - Constructor for class de.ls10.jsf.components.models.TagCloudLinkInternal
Standard constructor, which intializes the inner list of ActionListeners for this link.
TagCloudModel - Interface in de.ls10.jsf.components.models
tags - Variable in class de.ls10.jsf.components.models.DefaultTagCloudModel


UITagCloud - Class in de.ls10.jsf.components
This component represents an tagcloud for JSF.
UITagCloud() - Constructor for class de.ls10.jsf.components.UITagCloud
Standard constructor.
UITagCloudTag - Class in de.ls10.jsf.tags
Tag-Class for the TagCloud component.
UITagCloudTag() - Constructor for class de.ls10.jsf.tags.UITagCloudTag
update() - Method in interface de.ls10.jsf.components.models.TagCloudModel
Update the model with the data from external sources defined in the implementation.


value - Variable in class de.ls10.jsf.components.models.TagCloudLink
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.ls10.jsf.components.models.TagCloudLinkImportance
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum de.ls10.jsf.components.models.TagCloudLinkImportance
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


weight - Variable in class de.ls10.jsf.components.models.TagCloudLink


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